ASME QEI-1-2004 pdf free download.Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors.
2.1 QuaLifications
An inspector shall meet the delimtawi of ELevator Prrsinner in A%MF A17.1 Srct14.n 13 and h.we doumented training and at least 1 year of eperiere performing iniprctions and performing or witnessing tests specified in ASME A17.l and A18,1. Vehhahle evidence of trazmng and e peritnee shall be documented with the application for certification to the certifying organiiation. An inspector shall aleo verlh that he or she meets the following qualifications (see Nonmandatory Appendo B (LW the recommended quahficateons and duties of inspector trainees):
(a) knowledgeol personal safety practices. including, but not limited to, the safety practices contained in the Safety llandbcok necessary to perform the following,
(1) accrptarwe inspectiawl% i)I new c4)nstnjctlIwI
(2) routine and periodic inspections of eIisting equipment
(3) inspections of equipment in hazardous environments, where applicable
(b) familiarit with industry termino1og’, including the following:
(3) terms defined and used in ASME A17.1 and AS%IE Aliti
(2) terms used in ASME A 17.2
(3) terms defined and used in the Natiiinal Flectri’cal Code
(4) administrative ivrmine4o used Lw the urrdictional authority
(c) ability to read architectural and instalLltiln drawIngs , including hotstway and machine mom layouts
(d) working knowledge of electrical, clrctmnic. and Circuit construction principles, including but not urnited to:
(2) series and parallel circuits
(3) grounding
(4) ability to read circuit diagrams
(e) knowledge of the purpose and ftrnct.on of safety devices An the following kxatlons
(1) machine rooms and machinery spaces
(2) hoistways
(3) on the cars
(4) pits
(5) escalators, moving walks, and other related equipment
(f working knowledge of mechanical principles as appLitd to siruLtures, machirs, mechanisms, and the effects of traction on ropes and ‘heaics
(g) working knowledge of hydraulic principles as I1ppLILLI to the operation of salves, pumps. plungers.
piping- and buffers
(h) knowledge of the sarwus types of equipment; their code requtrements. uses and limitations, and any ‘p’rcial prnblrm or applic.ition as indudrd in ASMF A17.l (past and present) and bcal regulations:
(i) classifications of tage
(a) passenger eleratcws
(b) freightelevators(Classt’sA. 13. Cl. CZ and C3)
(c) private residence elevators
(d) sidewalk elevators
(e)special purpe personnel elevators
(f) inclined elevators
(g) miterial lifts and durnbwaiters with automatic transkr devices
(h) diimbwaitcrs
(a) elevators used for construction
(2) classifications of driving nwan
(a) tracflon
(b) winding drum
gosernors, and other machine room equipment, controllers; position devices, door operator systems. hoistway systems; safety system testing and functiiwts; pit equipment escalators; moving walks; electrical devices; and hydrau lies
knowledge of inspection and testing proceduits as described An ASME A17.2
1k working knowledge of applicable building. fAre. electrical, and accessibility codes
demonstrated ability to perform the duties sped- fled in para. 2.2
m) working knowledge of the requirements of
ASME A17.3
(n) awaneness of 144 1/A 175 to the estent that it is specified in AS4E A171 and ASME MS.1
(o) knowledge of the various typr% of equipment; functions arid operations; their code requirements. uses,. and limitations; and any special pruNems or appllcatwnsasindudcd in ASiE AIM.l and pvcnthind local regulations
(p) must ha’e in hLs or her per’nal poswuIn the latest edition of QEI-I. as well as the current editions of the documents rrfrrrncrd in para 13(a)
(q) must have workplace access to current editions of documents rrkrenced in para. 13(b)
2.2 Duties
The duties of an inspecttw indude the following:
(a) making acceptance inspections and witncsiing tests to determine whether all parts of the installation -mfrwm to the requirements of the applicable code tw regulations and whether the required safety devices function as required therein
(b) making routine or periodic inspections and witrwssing lets of installations to determine that the equipnwnt Is th apparent safe operating condition, has not been altered ccrpt in conlormity to the applicable code or regulations, and performs in acconiance with test.