ASME PTC 34-2007 pdf free download.Waste Combustors With Energy Recovery.
The object of this Code is to provide a test procedure for evaluating the performance of waste fuel combustors with energy recovery usmg the boiler as a calorimeter. These procedures apply when the variability and waste fuel composition results in a lack of confidence in obtaining representative samples for laboratory analysis.
This Code is used to determine
(a) the thermal efficiency of system combusting waste fuels
(b) the thermal capacity (heat input per unit time) of systems combusting waste fuels
0 the higher heating value (HHV) of waste fuels
1-1.1 Other Applications
A determination of the items specified above ma be used for other purposes such as
(a) comparing the actual performance with guaranteed performance
(1’) determining performance of system components
(C) evaluating performance when firing any fuel
(d) determining optimum method of operation
The rules and instructions given in this Code apply to all waste combustor systems with energy overy, but the code cannot detail a test applicable to even’ variation in the design of waste combustor systems. In every case, a qualified engineer must study the particular facility and develop a test procedure, which is in agreement with the intent, guiding principles, and required accuracy of this Code. Examples of systems considered at the time of preparation of this Code include rotary kilns, refractory and waterivall furnaces. rotary combustors. mechanical grates. semi-suspension and suspension burning, multiple chamber solid hearth. and two-stage combustion systems. portions of this Code may be used for waste combustors without energy recovery in the area of unburned combustibles in residue,
Testing of accessory equipment shall be performedusing the applicable performance test code. Refer toFig- 2-1 in Section 2 for a typical system boundary.Testmcthods of this Code apply to solid, liquid, or gaseouswaste fuels.
Instructions are given to determine the thermal capac-ity and thermal efficiency of waste combustor systemsby applying the concept of using the boiler as a calorime-ter. In addition, the HiHV of the waste fuel can be deter-mined by weighing the waste fuel that has beenconsumed during the test.
The uncertainty values are used to determine the qual-ity of the test and have no relationship to the expectedperformance of the equipment.The uncertainty valuesreflect the accuracy of the test instrumentation and sta-bility of the test conditions.
This Code provides standard test procedures that canyield results giving the highest level of accuracy consist-ent with the current engineering knowledge and prac-tice. A test may be considered an ASME Code test onlyif the following conditions are met:
a)Test procedures (and allowed variations) complywith this Code.
(b) The uncertainty of test results is determined inaccordance with Section 7 of this Code and PTC 19.1.(c)Pretest uncertainty analysis and post-test confir-mation of uncertainty values are conducted.The partiesto the test shall agree to a target test uncertainty priorto the start of the test.
Typical values of the test uncertainties forthermal efficiency is 1.2%to 2.0%(2) thermal capacity is 2.4%to 3.6%r3) waste fuel HHV is 5.0% to 9.6%
These numbers reflect the Committee’s experienceconsidering the variation in unit design. The large uncer-tainty for the waste fuel HHV is the result of the inabilityto measure the weight of the waste fuel accurately.