ASME B107.12-2004 pdf free download.Nutdrivers.
4.1.3 type I: Stubby Length. Tpe U nutdrnvrs shaU csLst of round %teel shaft with socket at one end and a handle at the other end. A bolt clearance hole ‘hail be pro1ded in the shaft of the socket end, The nutdnver iihaU be similar to Fig. I and infnnn to Table 3
Type Ill nutdrivers dull consist of a mond steel ihaft with a wkrt at (‘fle end and .i handle at the other end, A bolt clearance hole shall be pnwided a fir ha.ft sis-ket end. The nutdnver shall be similar to Fig. 4 and conform to the Table 4 or IM (or the sale sperifWd. Handle and/or shaft shall he color-ceded.
4.3 Marking
Nutdriwrs shall be marked plain and permanent manner with manulacturers name or with a trademark of such known diaractrr that the manufacturer shall be readily determined. shall include the product number and nominal socket opening site. Marking shall be as perna.uea as the niirnial Ide epectanc of the nutdrier to wluctt it — applied (providing the marked surface has not been subedrd to a Initing tw abrading actitin) and be capable of withstanding the dtunlng procedures normalh eiperwnced during its intended use.
4.4 Hardisess.